
The Decadence

I am like a child,

Grudging; grunting about insufficiency,

Insatiable conquest over coveted toys,

Like how I loathe dolls,

But loving trolls.

But this life,

Of not wanting,

But intense grief,

The sore that tears,

My gentle heart.

Thus the gushing,

The bitterness of beer,

Crushing down the senses,

Beating the gastro,

Flooding every emotion.

How I wish could forget tomorrow,

When it will become the illusive past,

These grieves, of morrows,

Will pilfer me of my aspiration,

To live till at least today.

Being consummate of flesh,

This rancid death-meat,

Commiserate of losses,

But I have not inspired,

Like the patriarchal sanctimony.

It’s a choice between,

Living and Thriving,

Or Living inanimate,

The spirit of woods,

Or a pebble under the washed-guilt current.

Or a crawler hideous against sunlight,

Mice rattling from his burrow,

Than grieving against morrows,

These flood-filled emotions,

Only decadence will consummate an ending for all.

Nipples on The Runway

The nipples are

Strutting on the runway,


Of density,

My head approximates

A furcoat,

In the embrace of a humming


This nakedness

In nature,

The young woman

In water,

I do not know

How to color her


The drizzle trickling

From the sky,

Are tears

From her enslavery

To masochistic


The frail skin,

Abused expression,

Her face

Holding the sky,

If Hestia would be listening,

“Bring me home”, please.

I do not

Know how to

Color her

In the wildness:

Copper nude under the moonlit;

Yellow gold on the green grass;

Or labor wet in the water.

I darken out her


Deep brown,

No yellow, no gold, no copper

On her body.

I gave her a quill,

To filter the

Falling drizzle.

And Red Caladiums,

For her bosom.

Now she looks




And free.

Note: Hestia is the Goddess of Hearth and Home, according to Greek Mythos.

Kedegilan Alam Buana

Bunga ditebarnya

Menghijau santun,

Menguning emas,

Membiru, memarak-merang,

Memutih salji,

Di puncak Kinabalu,

Aku melihat.

Di penjuru lautan,

Aku terperhati.

Di padang sawah,

Mengalasi bumi.

Kemanakah salji yang mengalir





Hari besoknya,

Akan ia lebur

Menjadi sungai anak Kinabatangan,

Merentang liku-liku,

Meredah kehausan bumi.

Oh, bilakah?

Bilakah bayu timur

Akan mengemudi,

Biduk burukku,

Yang terhimpit

Di tengah-tengah

Kedegilan alam buana.

Note: Poetry performed at Freedom Slam@LEPAQ CAFE, Kelana Mall on 22 August 2009